Start Work on Apache Kafka || Understand concepts of apache kafka || Apache kafka configuration || Prerequisites Setup || Zookeeper & Broker

 Hi Guys,

I am writing this blog for freshers, learners or the experienced techies who want to start work on apache kafka, this is something we can start from scratch, we can start it from Linux OS, you would need Ubuntu OS to install or if you already have then its great :)

Also if you need to install Ubuntu OS you can follow the below video link:

So once you ready with your OS, you can start work on apache kafka, there are prerequisites below before to start on apache commands:

1. Apache Kafka binaries

2. Install Java 

3. Setup data logs path for zookeeper and broker

To install apache libraries please use the below link

Apache Org Link and download the below libraries. 

if you to open this zip file it has the .sh scripts file for bash to run on Unix like systems and there is one windows folder inside bin which have all .bat file if you are working on windows.

Once you complete the download, you can start on apache kafka prerequisites and for that I already uploaded a video, please follow this video try the same steps, if you still have any concern please raise it to me in comment box, I will answer to you whenever i will be available 😊.

Vidit - A Data scientist in snowflake, apache kafka and data pipeline 


  1. hi buddy,

    I'm trying to write ansible playbook first time, in linux machine trying to run as below:
    - name: Install DataPub
    hosts: windows_servers
    - name: Install kafka
    dest: C:\Temp\kafka
    - name: unpack the tar
    src: C:\Temp\kafka\kafka_2.13-3.0.0.tgz
    dest: C:\Temp\kafka
    remote_src: yes

    its gives me an error :
    root@Ansible-Server-01:~/ansible# ansible-playbook -i NewInv.txt DataPub.yaml
    ERROR! conflicting action statements: get_url, dest

    The error appears to be in '/root/ansible/DataPub.yaml': line 4, column 9, but may
    be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

    The offending line appears to be:

    - name: Install kafka
    ^ here


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