Start Apache kafka on Linux OS Complete Guide || Configuration of Zookeeper, Broker and Consumer and how do they work?



Understand Apache Kafka Concepts, Start Zookeeper, Broker & Consumer

Apache Kafka is a publisher-subscriber-based durable messaging system. A messaging system publishes messages on brokers and on the other hand subscriber can subscribe to those either directly or client-key. 

Durable message system

Apache Kafka is software where topics can be defined or created, applications can add, process, and reprocess records.

Applications connect to this system and transfer a message or data onto the topic. A message can include any kind of information; for example, information about an event that has happened on a website, or an event that is supposed to trigger another event. Another application may connect to the system and subscribe and process or re-process records from a topic. The data sent is stored until a specified retention period has passed.

I am sharing a few videos here, so you can take a basic understanding of the Kafka concepts from scratch.

  • To Setup a platform let's first Install Ubuntu - Linux OS:

  • Setup, Config the apache Kafka

  • Start Zookeeper & Broker 

  • Use Consumer - Groups in Apache Kafka :

Vidit - A data scientist into Cloud Data Warehouse


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